
Section: Choose Your Focus Virtue

No, the selection of a focus virtue does not impact the daily devotions in Follow Christ Daily. The daily devotions are designed to deepen your relationship with God and make meaningful connections between your faith and life experiences, regardless of your focus virtue.

Yes, the practical tips for cultivating a virtue will change based on the focus virtue you have selected. Each virtue in Follow Christ Daily has its own set of 10 practical tips specifically designed to help you cultivate and practice that virtue in your daily life. When you switch your focus virtue, the practical tips will update to reflect the new virtue you have selected.

Yes, you can change your focus virtue at any time in Follow Christ Daily. If you feel led to focus on a different virtue, tap the “Candle Icon” in the lower-left corner of the screen on the “Dashboard Screen”, select the “Select Focus Button”, and go to the “Select Focus Screen” to select a new focus virtue.

Yes, you can access the devotional for any virtue without making it your focus virtue. Simply tap on the virtue and explore its detail screen, which contains a brief definition, practical tips, and a detailed and inspiring devotional based on the life and teachings of Jesus that elucidates the Christian nature of the virtue.

You can get more information on a specific virtue in Follow Christ Daily by exploring its “Virtue Detail Screen”. The “Virtue Detail Screen” contains a brief definition of the virtue, 10 practical tips for cultivating it in your daily life, and a detailed and inspiring devotional based on the life and teachings of Jesus that elucidates the Christian nature of the virtue. This information provides valuable resources for personal reflection and growth in your faith journey.

You can compare the virtues and their associated resources in Follow Christ Daily by tapping on each virtue and exploring its “Virtue Detail Screen”. Each virtue contains a brief definition, practical tips, and a detailed and inspiring devotional based on the life and teachings of Jesus that elucidates the Christian nature of the virtue. This information provides valuable resources for personal reflection and growth in your faith journey and helps you compare and contrast the virtues to gain a deeper understanding of how they are interrelated and how they can be integrated into your daily life.

By focusing on a single virtue and its associated strengths, you can deepen your understanding of that virtue and develop practical ways to cultivate it in your daily life. It provides a more comprehensive understanding of the virtue and how it relates to other aspects of your life. This can lead to a more meaningful and impactful faith journey.

The three associated strengths for each virtue in Follow Christ Daily are chosen to provide a comprehensive and practical understanding of the parent virtue. Each strength highlights a different aspect of the virtue and offers practical ways to cultivate it in your daily life. By focusing on all three strengths, you can gain a deeper understanding of the virtue and develop a more well-rounded and practical approach to cultivating it.

The associations between strengths and virtues are meant to give a general sense of how they tend to cluster and reinforce each other, but they are not set in stone and may not always be perfect. The connection between strength and virtue is not absolute but heuristic and it is possible for a strength to reflect and reinforce more than one virtue in practice.

A Strength in Follow Christ Daily is a sub-virtue that is associated with one of the seven Great Christian Virtues. Each of the seven virtues has three associated strengths that reflect a particular aspect of the parent virtue.

These strengths can be thought of as ways to cultivate and reinforce the parent virtue in daily life. For instance, Wisdom has associated strengths of Objectivity, Stewardship, and Maturity, which help to deepen your understanding of Wisdom and provide practical ways to practice it in your daily life.

The associated strengths for each of the seven Great Christian Virtues are:

  • For Wisdom, there is Objectivity, Stewardship, and Maturity.
  • For Justice, there is Compassion, Forgiveness, Service.
  • For Courage, there is Perseverance, Integrity, and Zeal.
  • For Temperance, there is Humility, Gratitude, and Simplicity.
  • For Faith, there is Obedience, Trust, and Initiative.
  • For Hope, there is Patience, Optimism, and Adaptability.
  • For Love, there is Generosity, Friendship, and Tolerance.

A Focus Virtue in Follow Christ Daily is a core Christian virtue that you can choose to focus on and cultivate in your daily life. Follow Christ Daily offers the option to either focus on a single virtue and its associated strengths or all 7 of the Great Christian virtues. The virtues offered in Follow Christ Daily are Faith, Hope, Love, Wisdom, Justice, Temperance, and Courage.

By selecting a Focus Virtue, you can delve deeper into its meaning and understand how to cultivate and practice it in your daily life. You will be provided with comprehensive information and resources to help you deepen your understanding of the virtue, including its definition, practical tips on cultivating and practicing it, and an inspirational devotional showcasing how the virtue was exemplified in the life and teachings of Jesus. This information will provide valuable insights and resources for personal reflection and growth in your Faith Journey.

The Focus Virtue you choose will appear in the “Virtue Builder” in your “Dashboard Screen”,  where you can log your virtue engagements throughout the day and track your progress in cultivating it. This personalized and meaningful approach to your faith journey will help you live a life centered on the teachings of Jesus and make a positive impact on your spiritual growth.

To select your Focus Virtue in Follow Christ Daily, simply navigate to the “Select Focus Screen”. This is the screen you see immediately after you sign up and step through the Quick Start tutorial.

IMAGE of “Select Focus Screen”

You can also get to the “Select Focus Screen” from the “Dashboard Screen” by selecting the “Candle Icon” at the bottom left and then selecting the “Select Focus Button” at the top.

IMAGE of “Select Focus Button” on the “Options Screen”

Once you are on the “Select Focus Screen”, simply tap on the virtue that resonates with you the most. You can explore each virtue and its accompanying resources before making your selection. You can explore each virtue in its “Virtue Detail Screen”, which contains a brief definition, 10 practical tips for cultivating the virtue in daily life, and a detailed and inspiring devotional based on the life and teachings of Jesus that elucidates the Christian nature of the virtue.

IMAGE of “Select Button” on the “Virtue Detail Screen”

When you have found your Focus Virtue, tap the “Select Button” on the “Virtue Detail Screen” to start your faith journey. Remember, you can always switch to a different virtue later on if you feel called to do so.
