
Section: Cultivate Virtues and Build Character

The “Appreciate” option in Follow Christ Daily’s Virtue Builder means you observed the virtue in someone else. When you record a virtue engagement as “Appreciate”, you are recognizing that you observed someone else exhibiting the virtue you are focusing on. For example, let’s say you have chosen the strength of Kindness. If you witness someone being compassionate and considerate towards others, you can record this virtue engagement as “Appreciate”.

The “Practice” option in Follow Christ Daily’s Virtue Builder means you successfully applied the virtue. When you record a virtue engagement as “Practice”, you are marking that you successfully put the virtue into action in a particular scenario. For example, let’s say you have chosen the virtue of Temperance. If you find yourself in a situation where you are able to resist overindulging in food or drink, and instead maintain moderation, you can record this virtue engagement as “Practice”.

The Virtue Builder is designed to be a simple and straightforward tool for tracking your virtue or strength engagements. When an opportunity arises to practice or witness your focus virtue or strength, select the relevant cross button in the Virtue Builder. You can track your engagements in the moment, or recall them later in time and record them retroactively.

To record your virtue engagement, first, select the relevant cross button in the Virtue Builder on the Dashboard Screen. You can then record your virtue engagement with one of three options: Practice, Appreciate, or Abstain. Practice means you successfully applied the virtue, Appreciate means you observed the virtue in someone else, and Abstain means there was an opportunity to practice the virtue but you chose not to. You can also add an additional note to provide the context of the engagement.

By recording your virtue engagements in this manner, you are able to reflect on your actions, thoughts, and emotions, and analyze why you chose to practice, appreciate, or abstain from the virtue in question. This can provide valuable insights into your faith journey and help you grow in your Christian character over time.

The Virtue Builder in Follow Christ Daily is a central component of the app designed to help users cultivate their Christian virtues and develop a Christian character. It provides a simple and intuitive way to cultivate your focus virtues daily. The Virtue Builder is accessible from the “Dashboard Screen” and contains buttons in the shape of a cross, each representing a focus virtue or associated strength.

The purpose of the Virtue Builder is to help you integrate your chosen focus virtues into your daily life and to track your progress in cultivating them. The Christian moral tradition emphasizes the importance of cultivating virtues as a means of becoming more like Jesus and developing a closer relationship with God. Virtues are habits or dispositions that help you to act in a morally good and just way. By using the Virtue Builder in Follow Christ Daily, you can exercise these virtues in your daily life, cultivate and document instances of their use, and improve them over time.

To use the Virtue Builder, look for opportunities to practice or witness one of your focus virtues. Then simply select the relevant cross button in the Virtue Builder. You can record your virtue engagement with one of three options: Practice, Appreciate, or Abstain. Practice means you successfully applied the virtue. Appreciate means you observed the virtue in someone else. Abstain means there was an opportunity to practice the virtue but you chose not to.

IMAGE of “Document Act Popup”

For every virtue engagement, you can add a comment to provide valuable context and insights into your choice. This allows you to reflect on your actions, thoughts, and emotions, and to analyze why you chose to appreciate, practice, or abstain from the virtue in question. As you log your virtue engagements throughout the day, the numbers on the cross buttons will reflect your daily progress. Your recorded engagements will appear as part of your evening daily review and your Journey of Faith record, providing a valuable tool for personal reflection and growth in your faith journey over time.

By practicing your focus virtues on a daily basis, you can become more like Jesus and develop a closer relationship with God. The Virtue Builder is a valuable tool for personal reflection and growth in your faith journey, helping you to live a more authentic Christian life centered on the teachings of Jesus.

By focusing on a virtue in Follow Christ Daily, you can integrate it into your daily life and experience the positive impact of cultivating it in your faith journey. You can gain a deeper understanding of its definition, practical tips on how to cultivate and practice it, and an inspirational devotional that showcases how it was exemplified in the life and teachings of Jesus.

This information provides valuable resources for personal reflection and growth in your faith journey, and helps you live a life centered on the teachings of Jesus.

The “Great Christian Virtues” are a set of 7 core virtues that are considered essential for living a Christian life. They are Faith, Hope, Love, Wisdom, Justice, Temperance, and Courage.

Each virtue is a character trait that can be cultivated and practiced in daily life and is based on the teachings of Jesus and the traditions of the Christian faith.

IMAGE of “Select Focus Screen”

By focusing on all 7 Great Virtues, you can gain a more well-rounded and holistic understanding of the virtues and how they fit together to support Christian living.

You might select the “7 Great Virtues” as your focus because you want to gain a broad understanding of the essential virtues of the Christian faith and cultivate all 7 of them in your daily life. This can lead to a deeper connection with God, a stronger sense of purpose, and a more meaningful faith journey.

Additionally, you can study devotionals, acquire practical tips, and gain inspiration that pertains to each of the 7 virtues, helping you to grow in your faith and live a life centered on the teachings of Jesus.

There is no limit to the number of virtue engagements you can log in Follow Christ Daily. You can log as many as you want to track your progress and reflect on your faith journey.

Yes, you can change a recorded virtue engagement after you’ve logged it in the Virtue Builder. You can access your Daily Review for the relevant day and easily select the engagement to modify. Alternatively, you can also edit the engagement in your Journey of Faith record in the same fashion.

Consistently reviewing your progress in cultivating your Focus Virtues is a crucial aspect of your spiritual journey and self-improvement. It allows you to see your progress over time, recognize patterns in your behavior, and understand how you are developing in your faith. Furthermore, it enables you to identify areas where you may need to focus more attention and make improvements. This type of self-reflection is an important aspect of the Christian tradition and helps you to build a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God by becoming more intentional in your actions and thoughts.

Additionally, regularly reviewing your progress helps you to see the bigger picture of your faith journey over time. It provides a comprehensive view of your efforts to cultivate your Focus Virtues and allows you to track your growth and improvement. This can be a powerful motivator for continued self-improvement and helps to build a stronger Christian character. By regularly reflecting on your progress and making adjustments to your behavior based on what you learn, you can continue to grow and deepen your faith in a meaningful and impactful way.

You can easily monitor your progress in cultivating your focus virtues with Follow Christ Daily. On the dashboard, the cross buttons in the Virtue Builder will show the number of times you have practiced, appreciated, or abstained from each focus virtue or associated strength. This provides a quick and visual representation of your daily progress.

In addition to the dashboard, your recorded virtue engagements will also be listed in the Daily Review, which is part of your evening PM Devotion. The Daily Review provides a comprehensive view of your daily progress and allows you to reflect on your actions and decisions in light of your Focus Virtues. Furthermore, your recorded virtue engagements will be part of your Journey of Faith record, providing a valuable tool for personal reflection and growth in your faith journey over time.

Reviewing your progress regularly helps you grow in your Christian character, by allowing you to identify areas where you have made progress and areas where you need to continue to grow.

Yes, for each virtue engagement, you can add a note to give valuable context and perspectives to your selection.

To add a note to a virtue engagement, simply select the relevant cross button in the Virtue Builder and choose either “Practice”, “Appreciate”, or “Abstain”. As you make your selection, you have the option to add a note. Simply type in the comment section to provide context and insights into your choice.

Adding notes to your virtue engagements is a powerful tool for personal reflection and growth in your faith journey. This feature allows you to reflect on your actions, thoughts, and emotions and analyze why you chose to act in a certain way. The purpose of adding a note is to deepen your understanding of your virtue engagement and to cultivate your Christian character more effectively. By reflecting on your actions, thoughts, and emotions, you can gain a better understanding of what motivates you and what holds you back. This understanding can then be used to identify areas for improvement and to make positive changes in your behavior and thought patterns.

Here are some practical examples of how adding a note can be used. Let’s say you recorded a virtue engagement as a “Practice” of the virtue of Temperance. You could add a note to reflect on what motivated you to act in accordance with the virtue. You could write about the emotions you felt, the thoughts that went through your mind, or the particular situation that prompted you to practice that virtue. This reflection can help you understand what makes you successful in practicing the virtue and how you can replicate that success in the future. For example, you could write something like “Today at lunch, I was faced with a tempting dessert menu. I practiced Temperance by choosing a fruit salad instead of the chocolate cake I really wanted. I was able to resist the temptation because I reminded myself of the importance of moderation and the negative consequences of eating a portion of food with high calories and relatively little nutritional value”.

In another instance, say you recorded “Abstain” for the virtue of Wisdom. You could add a note to reflect on what held you back from acting in accordance with the virtue. You could write about the emotions you felt, the thoughts that went through your mind, or the particular situation that made it difficult for you to act wisely. This reflection can help you understand what makes it difficult for you to practice that virtue and what steps you can take to overcome those difficulties in the future. For example, you could write something like “In a difficult meeting this morning, I had the opportunity to practice Wisdom by speaking calmly and thoughtfully. Instead, I spoke impulsively and with anger because I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed. I regret not being able to put Wisdom into practice at this moment.”

The “Abstain” option in Follow Christ Daily’s Virtue Builder means you chose not to act in accordance with the virtue in a given situation. When you record a virtue engagement as “Abstain”, you are acknowledging that you had an opportunity to practice the virtue but were not able to do so. This act of self-reflection and honesty is an important part of developing a Christian character. It allows us to reflect on our missteps and failures and to learn from them in order to grow in our faith journey. By admitting our limitations, we can learn from them and strive to do better in the future.

For example, let’s say you have chosen the virtue of Temperance as a focus virtue. One day, you find yourself indulging in a large dessert after a meal. By using the “Abstain” option in Follow Christ Daily’s Virtue Builder, you can acknowledge that you had an opportunity to practice temperance but were not able to do so. This can help you reflect on why you made this choice and what you can do differently in the future to be more successful in practicing temperance. 

Another scenario could be if you were in a situation where you were getting angry and you chose to shout at someone instead of staying calm and composed. In this case, you could also record it as an “Abstain” for the virtue of Temperance. This can help you reflect on why you lost your temper and what you can do differently to be more successful in practicing Temperance in the future.
